Sunday, September 28, 2008

We demand an apology

As we’re now just weeks shy from the .08 election, talking heads beam from my television day and night trying to sell me their goods. Right off the bat I can tell you I’m an Obama supporter. Unlike my friends on the right, I don’t disillusion myself with slanted news from any one side. I have a laundry list of reasons why I am not voting for John McCain. What I couldn’t figure out is why I find it so difficult to stomach the talking heads that are his supporters; why I have such little patience being a compassionate liberal eager for debate. Pondering this rainy afternoon, I have figured out why.

Elizabeth Hasselbeck, Bill O’Reilly, Laura Ingram, the Religious Right, and all the commentators who fought like hell for George W. Bush in 2004 - we demand an apology.

We had to listen to you go on for months and months why Bush was the superior candidate over John Kerry, whose character you assassinated faster than you could say “swiftboat”. Bush was going to win this war on terror. He was of the party to clean up government waste. He’d been in office 4 years, and knew what he was doing. He was the sheriff the country needed.

Boy, were you wrong. And you know it.

4 years later, you barely will utter his name. You know his presidency is considered one of the all time worst, with poll numbers to prove it. The economy is in shambles unseen since the Great Depression. We have spent over $550 billion dollars and 4,000 soldiers’ lives going to war with the wrong country. One of the worst natural disasters to ever hit this country left tens of thousands begging for help, and the dead floating in the streets of a major American city. The standing we’ve had in this world for decades, beginning with our part in the great Wars of the 20th century, and at its zenith the days after 9/11, has been squandered.

Let one person even try to link John McCain to Bush 43, and how the tides have turned. “No, no, no,” you say. “ John McCain is nothing like Bush”. You’ve dropped Bush quicker than when he dropped any interest in Bin Laden. You really just want him to go away and pretend it all never happened. We feel your pain.

You fought like hell with us in 2004, and you won. You helped convince a narrow margin of voters to Bush’s victory. You’re as much to blame for this mess as this administration. And now you’re on television, trying your damndest to convince us why John McCain is the guy for the job this time around.

We demand an apology. Explain why your judgement was so astronomically off in supporting George W. Bush, and why your opinions should be valid regarding McCain. Four years ago, you put forth any untruths in order to get Bush reelected, and now we are all paying the price beyond our wildest imagination.

Seriously, you all need to apologize. Maybe then, I can start to listen again.

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